PTA/PTO Summary

DID YOU KNOW, our fundraising program is all about helping kids, your school, and the planet by planting trees – lots of TREES! DID YOU KNOW, the best machine to cleanse the air and store CO2 is in fact – a TREE. NGT is a NEW product-based fundraising program providing your school an outstanding ~65% return with no upfront costs. Your students will offer baby tree seedlings to raise money for your school’s enrichment programs – and help the planet they’ll inherit.
NGT is LIVE for your Fundraising – Now Online
NGT provides a FRESH vision that powers up your fundraising campaign no matter your fundraising goal – $100k, $25k or other. NGT provides the support to help you achieve it! Your school keeps ~65% of every tree seedling bought by parents, families, and friends. A suggested price of $10 will energize your school’s fundraiser. Orders for your baby tree seedlings, from 8 to 36+ inches tall, are delivered to your school in November – December (Fall fundraiser) or March – April (Spring fundraiser).
Step # 1 SAY “YES” TO SEEDLINGS: Respond via phone, e-mail, fax, NGT’s website, or carrier pigeon that you want to power up your fundraiser using tree seedlings with NGT.
Step # 2 SELECT SEEDLINGS: Fun! Select Your Fundraising Trees! NGT offers three categories of trees – Deciduous – Coniferous – Decorative. Critical to select no more than TWO tree species. Simplicity helps ensure success. NGT offers various native and non-native trees – none are invasive, and all the seedlings we ship to you are in their appropriate regional hardiness grow zone for your school.
Black Locust
River Birch
Red Maple

Loblolly Pine
Virginia Pine


Step # 3 ADVERTISE SEEDLINGS: Easy! Your school will have its own unique online store. Let us know your seedling selections and NGT will send to you a corresponding social media tool kit. Use it to help market your fundraiser.
Step # 4 PURCHASE SEEDLINGS: The PTA/PTO has no upfront costs because the students’ families, friends, and neighbors purchase tree seedlings from NGT. The students offer the baby trees for $10. At the conclusion of your campaign NGT will promptly send your proceeds to you.
Step # 5 DISTRIBUTE SEEDLINGS: The delivery and dissemination of your seedlings will occur in late November – early December for Fall fundraisers and March – April for Spring fundraisers for Spring planting. The Fundraising Guide outlines a best practice for distributing the seedlings.
What’s Next? When you say YES and tell NGT your seedling selections, NGT will send to you a comprehensive Fundraising Guide, customizable marketing pieces, a social media tool kit, and a Memorandum of Understanding.
Pricing for Your Tree Seedlings
Tree seedlings cost $3.50 each, and $10 is the suggested donor’s sale price, providing you with an ~65% return. THERE ARE NO UPFRONT COSTS (i.e. no prefunding of the seedlings). NGT will handle the packaging of the Parent Pick-Up bags for you for each family for dissemination. [Contact NGT for exceptions to the two species limit.]
NextGenTreesUSA charges a fee for the shipping and handling of the tree seedlings. There is a base fee of $35 for the first 100 seedlings plus an additional $20 charge for each additional 100 seedlings (or fraction of 100). There is also a nominal processing fee for credit card transactions. NOTE: If your PTA/PTO organization has a Resale Tax Exemption Certificate issued by your state, NGT needs a copy of it.