NextGenTreesUSA.com (NGT) is invested in helping you achieve your fundraising goal by selling tree seedlings.  NGT offers a new, fresh vision that powers up your fundraising campaign, from $1K to $100K+, whatever your goal is.  NGT is designed to provide your school with one of the highest ROI.  NGT provides you with a best practices Fundraising Guide and customizable marketing tools to augment your own media blitz on your website and social media platforms.  NGT considers our work together as a partnership offering to our clients 75 years of combined expertise in fundraising and business.

NextGenTreesUSA structured its product-based fundraising program to provide your school an ~65% return.  Offering tree seedlings at $10 or less with an ~65% return is an outstanding monetary incentive.

NextGenTreesUSA offers three categories with the species listed beside each category:

1. Deciduous (hardwoods that lose their leaves annually) Northern Red Oak, Red Maple, Black Locust, River Birch.  

2. Coniferous (considered evergreens in our region, with needles and cones year-round) Eastern White Pine, Loblolly Pine, Virginia Pine.  

3. Decorative/Fruit Black Cherry, Persimmon, Redbud.  

See photos and information of all types offered in the Trees section of NGT’s website https://nextgentreesusa.com.

The seedlings are bareroot, alive, and tender, averaging 8 to 36 inches tall.  The seedlings are professionally packaged to survive the rigors of being out of the ground and traveling to you via UPS.  To ensure survivability, the seedlings should be planted as soon as possible and no later than 5 days of receipt.

No.  There is no minimum order size.  That said, it is our hope that you will join us in getting as many seedlings into the ground as possible.

There are no hidden costs when fundraising with NextGenTreesUSA.  The tree seedlings cost $3.50 each.  NextGenTreesUSA labels and packages your seedlings for you.  That includes the enclosed planting instructions, and each bundle will have a label with the doner’s name for each family to pick up.  NGT’s suggested sale price of $10 for each seedling provides your school with an ~65% return.

NextGenTreesUSA charges a fee for the shipping and handling of the tree seedlings.  There is a base fee of $35 for the first 100 seedlings plus an additional $20 charge for each additional 100 seedlings (or fraction of 100).  There is a nominal processing fee for credit card transactions.  NOTE: If your PTA/PTO organization has a Resale Tax Exemption Certificate issued by your state, NGT needs a copy of it.

NextGenTreesUSA tree seedlings will be packaged and shipped to your school in November to December for your Fall fundraiser, and in March to April for your Spring fundraiser.

Unfortunately, no.  Due to the nature of the product and the sensitivity to getting them “in the ground”, NGT is unable to warranty either the survivability or growth of any tree seedling.  We stress planting them within 5 days of receipt and nurturing them once planted in accordance with the planting instructions that accompany the seedlings.  All seedlings are fresh from the ground and healthy upon shipping with professional packaging.

If you have additional questions, please do not hesitate to contact us via phone or email at 703-443-4571 or Trees4Kids@nextgentreesusa.com, respectively.